- 최우수상: 수상자 Emily Furno(21)

"Bold Visions, New Voices – Media for a Connected Tomorrow"

  Bold Visions reflects the college's commitment to pioneering innovation, encouraging students and faculty to think big, push boundaries, and redefine what media can achieve. 

  It suggests that the college isn’t just following trends but setting them, leading with a courageous and ambitious approach to education and research.

  New Voices emphasizes inclusivity and diversity, signaling that the college values a wide array of perspectives and backgrounds. It also speaks to the evolving landscape of media, where fresh insights and emerging leaders are essential in shaping the industry’s future.

  Media for a Connected Tomorrow underscores the global and interconnected world that today’s students will be stepping into. It implies that the college is preparing students to engage with a media landscape that is dynamic and increasingly linked across cultures, technologies, and ideas. 

- 우수상: 수상자 이소민(20)

"First Mover, First Changer"

  변화하는 시대에 맞춰 그 어느 대학보다 발빠르게 움직이고 있는 고려대 미디어학부가 이 시대의 게임 체인저가 되기를 바라는 마음을 담음 

- 우수상: 수상자 이유진(20)

"Go First, Go Global, Go Creative, Go Media"

  고려대학교 미디어대학이 글로벌과 최초의 타이틀의 자부심을 가지고 혁신적 미디어의 미래로 나아간다는 의미를 담음